Check out the new proposed European EIO GUIDELINES
Mould EIO Review
MEIOR is an international research project that aims at promoting mutual trust among EU Member States and to improve cross-border cooperation by establishing the most adequate structures of judicial scrutiny in cross-border investigations
What MEIOR does
Much like with the European Arrest Warrant, the implementation of the European Investigation Order (EIO) is already giving signs of friction vis-à-vis what authorities should be competent for issuing and controlling the orders and what kind of scrutiny they should exercise.
MEIOR investigates the concepts and structures of judicial scrutiny in the context of the EIO to identify common minimum denominators and to address existing and potential future problems. Based on a thorough comparative legal and empirical study, it both advises policy makers and develops working tools and a training model for all legal stakeholders.
MEIOR goes beyond mere operational support and knowledge sharing on the EIO